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How Seniors Can Stay Positive
Toward Aging

Yes, getting older can be overwhelming that you begin to fear it. This, however, makes things worse as you also start to think negatively. This later contributes to stress and depression. Adopt a positive mindset and face your golden years with joy. Don’t worry; you can do it as you hire an elderly caregiver from a Victoria BC home care agency and others learning ways to stay positive toward aging.  

Open up to your family

Are you sick? Instead of dwelling with your sickness, seek support from your family. Get help—from medication management to doctor visits. Talk about what you feel—about your sickness and any thought you have. Opening up and sharing yourself with your family can help a lot. They can teach you to throw away all the negative thoughts and just think of all the things you have to be grateful for.

Get help from a Victoria BC home care agency

Some seniors get overwhelmed with aging, particularly if they realized the decline in their physical abilities. This becomes particularly difficult if they have no one to talk to at home because everyone’s busy with work. Hire an elderly caregiver then—not only to provide companionship but to also do other things like light housekeeping, preparing healthy meals and others.

Join community workshops and others.

Another approach is to participate in community discussions or workshops not only to keep busy but to also learn how to make your time useful and your mind positive.  

Living Life to the Full is a community-based mental health workshop offered across the country. This one in Sarnia, Ontario is helping older Canadians cope with the psychological perils of their not-so-golden years. Like introducing the WOW WALK, where they walk around the area while wearing glasses and saying ‘WOW’. It aims to help the seniors look at the world around them in a whole new and positive way. Nelson, who suffered from depression most of his life, joined them to get new ideas on how to approach things a little differently.

According to Jenny, an occupational therapist who worked with seniors and adapted the course to an aging population, the “common thought is, ‘I don’t have a purpose in this world anymore’. We can change that in two ways. We can change the way that they view that and say ‘Was that always true? Can we think of some things that you do have a purpose for? What are you good at?’ We start focusing on the positive side of that. So, we are trying to shift their thinking and their behavior through the course.”

Watch the full video:

Stay positive toward aging because it offers many benefits. Primarily, it improves your health and quality of life. Therefore, learn how to turn negative thoughts to positive. Likewise, consider getting help from a Victoria BC home care agency to hire an elderly caregiver.

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